
Friday, March 5, 2010

Diaper ***Crazy***

So, I had permission to purchase some more cloth diapers with some of Jonas's birthday money (I checked with Jonathan!), since I need a few more, and they are for him anyways.  :D  So it was fun deciding, and also hard to decide!  I went back to my previous wish list and here's what I went with:

1 - BumGenius (Moonbeam) 3.0
1 - Flips Day Pack (Ribbit) - 2 covers, 6 inserts (we'll see if I like this)
1 - EnviBum - a real splurge, but had to try it!  It is green too!

and an order of Kawaii (the cheaper cloth diapers that I love!)
3 - Blue Stripe Velvet
2 - Yellow Heavy Duty
2 - Light Blue Heavy Duty
2 - Blue Heavy Duty
3 - Goodnight Lime Diapers
10 Extra inserts (for use in other diapers, they are super absorbent!)
(She made me a deal on all that, with free shipping!)

So I am overly excited to get these diapers to try!   As always, you'll be seeing pics and reviews for these very soon!  You can't wait, can you?  :D

One a side note:  Once these some in, I'm going to resale some of the ones I don't "love" on diaperswappers, and put that money in Jonas's savings.  So it is kind of like some of these are just "trades" right?

He will have some bday money left for his savings anyway, and I bought him 2 much needed church outfits already too.  People were very generous to us!  We are very thankful for all of our family and friends who came and celebrated with us. 

1 comment:

  1. i love reading about your cloth diaper experiences =) i just looked at the kawaii diapers (i had never heard of them before) and they look awesome from what you've written and what i've seen on the website. I am planning on using cloth diapers with the new on coming in a few weeks. so far, i've bought 2 flips covers and 1 thirsties duo cover with prefolds to use as inserts for now. i am definitely going to order a few of the kawaii's to see how i like them though! let me know how you like the flips!
